Om muser og menn av Marta Breen handler om kvinners, eller kunstneriske kvinners posisjoner opp gjennom historien sammenlignet med menns posisjoner. Det er egentlig utrolig å lese, og jeg blir faktisk helt matt. Og ikke på en god måte, men det har overhodet ikke noe med Marta Breen sine skriveregenskaper å gjøre. Det har mer med hvordan menn alltid har behandlet kvinner og kommet unna med det. Det er i grunnen helt utrolig. Sigmund Freud sin kone som passet på seks barn, mens han skrev, i tillegg til at hun kledde på han hver dag, serverte lunsj kl.13 og godtok at han dro på ferie med lillesøsteren hennes. Sigrid Undset derimot skrev alle bøkene sine på natta, siden det var den eneste tiden hun hadde til å skrive. På dagtid passet hun ungene, lagde mat, stoppet sokker, vasket klær og vasket huset. Hun tar også for seg ordvalget og spørsmålene journalister stiller kvinner i media kontra hva de velger når det gjelder menn i media. Det er utrolig provoserende med kvinnelige ledere som tripper rundt på landsmøter og får spørsmål om å være mor, mens mannlige ledere er bestemte og får spørsmål til sak. Hvis noen lurer på hvorfor det fortsatt trengs kvinnedag og feminisme, så les denne boka.
"Førti år senere mener noen at likestillingen er gått for langt. Da tenker jeg i mitt stille sinnet de burde prise seg lykkelig over at vi kun er ute etter likestilling - og ikke hevn." Marta Breen
onsdag 3. juli 2019
Nevermoor The Trials of Morrigan Crow
I am late to the party, I know. I have started to read this book about five times the last year, but I have never been able to finish it before I had to return it to the library. This time I finally finished it. I don't know why it took me so many tries to finish it. It's not a bad book, it's quite entertaining, really. I guess a mix of a lot to do with studies and work, and maybe a bit slow start, is what made me use so long to finish it. The book is said to be the new Harry Potter. I can understand why, but this book is no new Harry Potter. Morrigan Crow can manage without the comparison. She is a girl who feel different and can't really fit in. Just before she turns 11, Jupiter North takes her to Nevermoore. She has to participate in a series of trials to become a member of Wundrous Society. All the other contestants have a special skill, but not Morrigan.
The book took a bit of time to really make it into Nevermoore, but once in, I really look forward to read book number two.
The book took a bit of time to really make it into Nevermoore, but once in, I really look forward to read book number two.
mandag 1. juli 2019
An Anonymous Girl
An Anonymous Girl by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen is a crime book, but a bit different. Jessica Farris is a make-up artist struggling to make ends meet. One day she does the make up for two psychology students and listen to them talk about a study about ethics and moral with a generous compensation. She meets up lying about being a friend of one of the students. The study continues beyond the survey on a computer, and she ends up not knowing what is part of the study and what is real life.
The book starts off real good with an interesting plot. The question about morality and ethics is always an interesting one, and mostly it never is one correct answer. But after the very promising start, I think the book ends up in the same track as a lot of other books. And no, it's nothing wrong with good old affairs and lying, but I just had bigger expectations to where this was going.
The book starts off real good with an interesting plot. The question about morality and ethics is always an interesting one, and mostly it never is one correct answer. But after the very promising start, I think the book ends up in the same track as a lot of other books. And no, it's nothing wrong with good old affairs and lying, but I just had bigger expectations to where this was going.
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